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Bliinx provide an extensive range of services to cover all your needs.

Sight Tests

Appointments for a sight test last for up to 45 minutes here at Bliinx. We take more time than high street practices to provide a thorough eye examination at a pace you are happy with.

Not only do we aim to test your vision and prescribe as needed we check thoroughly the health of the eye itself. This includes looking for conditions that can have a significant influence on your life such as diabetes, glaucoma and macular degeneration.

The ongoing renewal of equipment is part of this process as we continually invest in the health of our customers.

Of course Under 16’s sight tests are free as are tests for the over 60’s, in addition if you have a relative who has had glaucoma you may also be entitled to free eye tests.

Sight Testing Lenses

Contact Lenses

If you prefer the practicality of contact lenses then we are here to help.

We can offer a contact lens fitting with our optician and supply the best branded contact lenses at great prices, offering all the support you need with your lenses.

We can have these delivered direct to you door or you can collect from the practice.

Contact Lenses

Minor Eye Condition Services

Here at Bliinx our opticians we want to look after your eye health. If you are registered here and feel you need to attend for any of the following reasons we will do our best to make you an appointment as soon as possible on a private basis.

Blurred Vision / Red Eyes / Dry Eyes / Pain or Discomfort in the eyes, eye area or temple / recent onset of flashers or floaters in one or both eyes / mild trauma (e.g a scratch to the outer surface of the eye) / significant recent discharge from or watering of the eye.

Close up of an eye

Frames & Lenses

Glasses can be an important part of you and your image. It is not a decision to be hurried. Glasses have a very functional element but this has also turned into a fashionable one too and we are here to make sure you feel good in your glasses.

You can browse at your leisure and try out the fantastic range of frames we have here in store.

If you would like assistance and advice we are happy to help. You can even book in an appointment with our dispensing optician to have your dedicated time.

We supply lenses from Hoya, one of the best lens manufacturers. These are great quality and a variety of options are available for you to choose from to suit your requirements.

Frames with lenses

Eye Scans

Here at Bliinx we can offer you extra peace of mind and help prevent sight threatening diseases with early detection by carrying out a scan of the back layers of your eyes.

We have the most advanced diagnostic equipment in the form of a Hiedelberg Spectralis machine, the same machine used on the international space station to monitor the astronaut’s eyes. Now you can have the same benefits here on earth!


What are we looking for?
A scan can detect the smallest changes in the eyes. This can be incredibly beneficial in the early detection of diseases causing sight loss. A scan can see signs of hereditary Age Related Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Diabetes. With so many people being unaware they have these diseases the eye scan can be an important tool in early diagnosis and treatment.


How does it work?
A scan uses only natural light, is completely pain free, nothing touches your eye  and it only takes about 10 minutes. Results can be seen there and then.
To see how a scan is done CLICK HERE


To have a scan costs £25. The NHS do not cover the cost of these scans and in order to cover the cost of the best equipment we have to charge a private fee, as always we aim to keep this affordable to all.

image of an eye scan results page

Visual Stress & Colorimetry Assessment

What is Visual Stress?

Visual Stress is a sensitivity to visual patterns due to a hyperactivation of the visual cortex of the brain.
In some individuals this condition can cause visual problems which interfere with reading and other daily activities such as using computers and writing. The symptoms can occur despite normal vision.


Symptoms may be:
• Movement of printed text
• Blurring of print
• Letters changing in size or shape
• Patterns in the print (sometimes described as rivers or worms)
• Halos of colour surrounding letters or words
• Tiring easily whilst reading
Some individuals who find reading tiring and unpleasant may unknowingly experience Visual Stress.
Symptoms can be experienced in varying degrees from simple fatigue when reading, to an inability to look at text.


The Signs of Visual Stress which may be observed in a child:
• Moves closer to or further away from the book
• Moves book around the desk
• Fidgets constantly
• Uses finger as a marker on the page
• Skips words or lines
• Frequently re-reads the same word or line
• Rubs eyes or blinks frequently when reading
• Poor comprehension of reading content
• Red, sore, watery eyes
• Headaches
Frustration and low self-esteem can occur in children who are under-achieving due to visual stress. Early diagnosis of the problem is essential. The longer it takes to identify and remedy visual stress, the greater the loss of confidence that can result.


A Solution
Visual stress can be reduced by the use of coloured filters.


Using our 3 step approach:

1. Eye examination:

Have an up-to-date eye examination to check to see if other visual correction is needed and the eyes are healthy. If a refractive prescription is required (e.g. for long or short sight) then this can be incorporated if needed into the coloured lenses

2. Overlay Assessment

Book in for an overlay assessment and overlay trial. The optician may suggest the patient use an overlay and return within a few weeks, noting any improvements that result. Coloured overlays are widely used by teachers in schools throughout the UK. If an overlay proves useful it is likely that precision tinted lenses will also be beneficial.

3. Colourimetry Assessment

If the overlay assessment was successful for reading it may be beneficial to have precision coloured spectacle lenses for use on computer & writing. A colourimetry assessment will be specific to individual needs, much more precise than the overlay and very often a different colour to the overlay. Coloured lenses are also much more convenient than overlays for board and computer work. Our optician will guide you through the process.

Our opticians use the latest Curve Colourimetry equipment for the assessment.



It is important to note that the coloured overlay is unlikely to have the same colour as the optimal precision lenses.

The degree of improvement differs: some individuals experience improvements in reading age of 1-2 years within a few weeks of acquiring lenses. In others, the lenses may offer greater comfort when reading, but the improvement may be less dramatic because of other factors.

More Information is available regarding the science, research, protocol, and development of the colourimetry system at


Photosensitive Migraine & Other Conditions
Migraine attacks have many triggers, including stress, particular foods and hormones. Migraine attacks may be visually induced by flickering light, patterns or reading. These attacks may be helped by precision tinted lenses.
Research in the US undertaken recently by a team of neuro-scientists using brain imaging, has shown that a suppression of hyper-excitability in the visual cortex occurs in migraine sufferers when individually selected precision tinted lenses are worn.
The lenses for the study were selected using the Intuitive Colorimeter. Symptoms of other neurological conditions such as autism, MS, ME and Parkinson’s have been shown to reduce with the application of a precise colour.


Is this Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a term used to refer to a number of complex specific learning difficulties that may include problems with reading and spelling.
Dyslexia is really about information processing: dyslexic people may have difficulty processing and remembering information they see and hear. This can affect learning and the acquisition of literacy skills. British Dyslexia Association
Visual Stress is not Dyslexia, but can run concurrently with Dyslexia. It’s believed there may be a greater propensity amongst the Dyslexic population to suffer from Visual Stress

visual stress test machine
kids using glasses overlays to deal with visual stress
coloured overlays to test for visual stress



Private Adult Minor Eye Condition Check £50

Private Child Minor Eye Condition Check £25

Follow-up Appointments for Eye Conditions £30


Overlay Assessment including 1 overlay £45
Colourimetry Assessment  £40 


Hinge repairs £35
Replacement nose pads FREE to Bliinx Frames
Nose pads for other frames £2

Price List

NHS Sight Tests:
Children FREE
Adults FREE

Private Sight Tests £45

Eye Scan (OCT)  £30

DVLA Form £30 / Civil Aviation £50



New Contact Lens Appointments £90 (including 2 follow-up appointments if necessary)

Contact Lens Aftercare / follow-up £40 (if Lenses supplied through Bliinx)

Contact Lens Aftercare / follow-up £55 (if Lenses supplied elsewhere)


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